Monday, November 7, 2011

This Year I've learned that Nano

Isn't really all that it's cracked up to be. And isn't for everyone; some folks just can't do 50-60 thousand words in 30 days without feeling stressed to a point where they feel their work is crapped up, or they don't feel it. You should be able to feel your words, your story. If you can't then there is a problem. So with that being said I'm not going to post a daily word count, I'm just going to write and if by the end of the month I should happen to make it to 50/60 words Kudos. And if not Still Kudos. Because you know what it's not the quantity it's all about the quality of the work. And just because I'm not doing a daily word count doesn't mean that I'm giving up. Like I said if I make it to the mark it's good and if not it's still good. On a book progress report. I have Chapter 2 done now beginning Chapter 3. It's going along pretty smoothly, I've added an element that I didn't have in previous story. That seem to make it flow better. This is going to be an interesting ride writing this. I can not wait until you can all read it. It's rather exciting how it is progressing in the depth.

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